About BMI Formula

The site bmi-formula.com helps you to calculate your BMI value using BMI calculators and offers you an overview of different BMI values with tables.

The relationship between BMI and health is influenced by many other factors. A BMI of 25 to 30 is medically defined as overweight. However, studies show that a BMI of this magnitude has no great influence on life expectancy and various diseases. Obesity is particularly important for health if other diseases such as diabetes are present at the same time.

It is undisputed that obesity (BMI over 30) can have a negative effect on health and life expectancy. The more pronounced the adiposity, the greater the risk of secondary diseases. Here too, the overall picture is important in individual cases. For example, there are certainly people with obesity who are fit and have a healthy cardiovascular system. For them, weight is not necessarily a health problem. But many people with obesity improve their health if they manage to lose some weight.

Besides body weight, the risk of cardiovascular disease in particular depends on many different factors. These include: age, sex, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, family history, diabetes and smoking. It is therefore useful to consider the health significance of obesity in conjunction with other risk factors.


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